Música: Mike Portnoy sai do Dream Theater...

Principal arranjador, músico, letrista e líder, resolve sair da banda.

Uma verdadeira bomba caiu hoje no mundo da música, mais precisamente no mundo do Metal Progressivo. Mike Portnoy, através do seu Facebook anunciou que está deixando o Dream Theater...

O mesmo deixou uma longa carta no seu Facebook, explicando que gostaria que a banda parasse um pouco, desse um tempo, meio que para que todos repensassem a banda, os rumos que ela está tomando, respirar outros ares e depois disso retomarem o Dream Theater com tudo, porém somente Portnoy aceitou parar, o resto da banda quis seguir em frente, então ele parou e ficou pra trás, saiu da banda...

Aqui vai a carta deixada por ele no seu Facebook, em inglês mesmo, pra que interpretem da forma mais adequada que preferirem:

Wednesday September 8th 2010

I am about to write something I never imagined I'd ever write:

After 25 years, I have decided to leave Dream Theater....the band I founded, led and truly loved for a quarter of a century.

To many people this will come as a complete shock, and will also likely be misunderstood by some, but please believe me that it is not a hasty decision...it is something I have struggled with for the last year or so....

After having had such amazing experiences playing with Hail, Transatlantic and Avenged Sevenfold this past year, I have sadly come to the conclusion that I have recently had more fun and better personal relations with these other projects than I have for a while now in Dream Theater...

Please don't misinterpret me, I love the DT guys dearly and have a long history, friendship and bond that runs incredibly deep with them...it's just that I think we are in serious need of a little break...

Dream Theater was always my baby...and I nurtured that baby every single day and waking moment of my life since 1985...24/7, 365...never taking time off from DT's never-ending responsibilites (even when the band was "off" between cycles)...working overtime and way beyond the call of duty that most sane people ever would do for a band...

But I've come to the conclusion that the DT machine was starting to burn me out...and I really needed a break from the band in order to save my relationship with the other members and keep my DT spirit hungry and inspired.

We have been on an endless write/record/tour cycle for almost 20 years now (of which I have overseen EVERY aspect without a break) and while a few months apart from each other here & there over the years has been much needed and helpful, I honestly hoped the band could simply agree with me to taking a bit of a "hiatus" to recharge our batteries and "save me from ourselves"...

Sadly, in discussing this with the guys, they determined they do not share my feelings and have decided to continue without me rather than take a breather...I even offered to do some occasional work throughout 2011 against my initial wishes, but it was not to be...

While it truly hurts for me to even think of a Dream Theater without Mike Portnoy (hell, my father named the band!!), I do not want to stand in their way...so I have decided to sacrifice myself and simply leave the band so as to not hold them back against their wishes....

Strangely enough, I just read an interview that I recently did that asked me about the future of DT and I talked about "always following your heart and being true to yourself"...sadly I must say that at this particular moment, my heart is not with Dream Theater...and I would simply be "going through the motions", and would honestly NOT be true to myself if I stayed for the sake of obligation without taking the break I felt I needed.

I wish the guys the best and hope the music and legacy we created together is enjoyed by fans for decades to come...I am proud of every album we made, every song we wrote and every show we played....

I'm sorry to all the disappointed DT fans around the world...I really tried to salvage the situation and make it work...I honestly just wanted a break (not a split)...but happiness cannot be forced, it needs to come from within....

You DT fans are the greatest fans in the world and as you all know, I have always busted my ass for you guys and I hope that you will stay with me on my future musical journey, wherever it may lead me....(and as you all know my work ethic, there will surely be no shortage of future MP projects!)


Your fearless ex-leader and drummer,


No fim completou com um trecho de uma das músicas do DT:

"Move on be brave, don't weep at my grave, because I am no longer here... But please never let your memory of me disappear...."

Trecho de "The Spirit Carries On"

Em seu Twitter, @MikePortnoyDT, deixou somente:

This is a sad, sad day....I'm afraid I have some bad news.... MP/DT Sept 1985 - Sept 2010

Certamente, no meio disto tudo, aconteceu o que acontece muito em bandas... "Divergências Musicais", no fim, vai ser isso que restará ao Dream Theater...

Pelo que ele fala, a banda vai seguir em frente, mas pra mim o Dream Theater acabou, pois como a banda vai seguir em frente, sem seu principal letrista, arranjador musical, mentor musical, mais talentoso e destacado músico e principal líder da banda?

No fim, sai Portnoy e fica Petrucci, que levou o Dream Theater a esse momento que vive atualmente, de ultimos discos ultra super power complexos, detalhadíssimos, hyper técnicos e profundamente... chatos...

No fim, fica Petrucci, com seus arranjos cada vez mais complexos, rápidos, longos e chatos, no fim, qualquer músico que saisse do Dream Theater, teria um substituto, até se Labrie, vocalista saísse da banda, ela seguiria em frente numa boa, mas sem Portnoy, pra mim o Dream Theater acabou hoje, embora para muitos, ela já acabou faz tempo, mergulhada em sua complexidade, em sua alta técnica detalhista e complicada, no fim, mergulhada no ego de Petrucci...

...o espírito segue em frente... o Dream Theater sem Portnoy, pra mim, não...


  1. Flávio, O mamute do Som29 de set. de 2010, 19:46:00

    O Dream Theater é uma banda super técnica e pode conseguir outro baterista estudado e dedicado. Mas Petrucci/Myung/LaBrie e Rudess terão que compensar na criação de músicas e letras, pois Mike Portnoy sempre foi um grande letrista.

  2. Esse é o grande desafio, eles conseguirem isso, sem o Portnoy, o que eu francamente, duvido que consigam, Mike era o pilar principal do DT, se os 4 pilares restantes vão segurar a onda sozinhos sem declinar, isso vamos ver com o tempo, mas eu acredito mais prum não, do que prum sim...


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